How to use TwiTz ?

Find your tweet that you want to eternalize and request a mint by replying to that tweet with -

TwiTz also supports 2 different color themes:

Once the mint request is made TwiTz will provide a claim link that will let you claim the NFT. The NFT is minted only after it has been claimed and anyone can perform the claim operation and pay the fees but the NFT will always be minted to the recipient specified in the mint request.

Who can mint the Tweets?

TwiTz is very restrictive about who can mint a tweet and only allows the author of the tweet to be able to request a mint. This restriction is needed for 2 reasons mainly :

Though users cannot mint another user’s tweet for themselves, they can always mint the tweet for the author. If the tweet is minted to the Twitter username of the author, the mint can be allowed. This enables any user to gift the tweet as an NFT to the author.

Not receiving Claim link?

There are various reasons why you might not be receiving the claim link :

If you do not get a reply after making sure your mint request is valid contact @gdsoumya

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